

The Storage handlers provides a way to interact with Ledger Live's internal storage.
The server can store and retrieve data using key-value pairs.

request handlers:

"storage.set" - Set Data

Store data in Ledger Live's internal storage. You can specify a key and value, and optionally provide a store ID to store data in a specific store.

parameter (in req.params)required?note
keyA string representing the key under which you want to store the data.
valueA string representing the data you want to store.
storeIdA string representing the ID of the store where you want to store the data.
walletHandler usednote
  • Returns: A promise that resolves when the data is successfully stored. There is no return value.

"storage.get" - Get Data

Retrieve data from Ledger Live's internal storage by specifying a key. You can also specify a store ID to retrieve data from a particular store.

parameter (in req.params)required?note
keyA string representing the key of the data you want to retrieve.
storeIdA string representing the ID of the store from which you want to retrieve data.
walletHandler usednote
  • Returns: A promise that resolves with the value as a string or undefined if the key does not exist.
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