DocumentationLedger LiveAccountsIntegration walkthroughsTokensTRC10 and TRC20

TRC10 and TRC20 token addition request

For TRC tokens, the addition process is not entirely automatic. A modification of the Tron application is required.

1. How do the TRC10 and TRC20 tokens get listed?

Tokens are added automatically to the supported crypto-assets list a few times a week. If ater a two weeks period you don’t see the token on the crypto-assets list, please contact the customer service team.

2. How can they be handled on Ledger devices?

A specific signature is required on the Tron Embedded App.Update both src/tokens.c and src/tokens.h in the Tron Embedded App.

To ensure both these topics are handled properly, we invite you to contact our engineering team through the Ledger’s Discord server

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