The WalletAPIServer is a bi-directonnal JSON-RPC 2.0 server

These docs aim to explain the design of the WalletAPIServer and how to use it.

There are a few ways you can go about reading it, depending on your use case:

How to grasp what it does

Start of with the visual introduction

Look at the reference page here

Check out this example

shows how a server can be used, instantiating it via its constructor

How to use walletAPIServer

Use this page as your reference

Check out here

how to instantiate a server via its constructor

Check out here

(optional, useful if using react) how to instantiate a server via a react hook

Check out this example

shows how a server can be used, instantiating it via its constructor

Check out the usage of a server made within Ledger Live

shows how a server can be used, instantiating it via the react hook

Additional resources living outside of these docs

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