DocumentationLedger LiveDiscoverIntegration walkthroughsLedger Services KitCoreModulesMessage

Using the Message Module in Services Kit Core Client

The Message Module enables users to sign messages using Ledger Live. In the Ethereum context, the messages can be EIP-191 or EIP-712 messages.

Message Module Overview

Access the Message module via walletApiClient.message.


1. Sign Message

Allow the user to sign the provided message. This method is used to get a signature for a given message, which proves that the owner of the account has agreed to the message content.

walletApiClient.message.sign(accountId: string, message: Buffer, meta?: Record<string, unknown>): Promise<Buffer>


  • accountId (required): A string representing the Ledger Live ID of the account that should be used to sign the message.
  • message (required): A Buffer containing the message that should be signed.
  • meta (optional): An object with additional data associated with the message.

Returns: A promise that resolves with a Buffer containing the signed message in hexadecimal format.

Errors: This method can throw an RpcError if an error occurs on the server-side.

Required permission: message.sign

async function signMessage(walletApiClient, accountId, message, meta) {
  try {
    const signedMessage = await walletApiClient.message.sign(accountId, message, meta);
    console.log('Signed Message (hex):', signedMessage.toString('hex'));
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error signing message:', error);

Handling Errors

Make sure to handle errors gracefully and provide appropriate feedback to the user. Additionally, always remember to disconnect the WindowMessageTransport when you’re done interacting with the Ledger Services Kit to free up resources.

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