Testing the transaction broadcast with the bot

Transaction broadcast is an exception, it is tested differently, by a tool that we call “the bot”. See below.


  • Docker
  • An elf of the embedded app for Nano S (create a empty folder with like : <device>/<firmware version>/<appName> example nanos/1.6.1/mycoin. The build of your embedded app must have the following format: app_VERSION.elf, for example app_1.2.3.elf)
  • Some currencies of the coin

The bot only supports Nano S Plus compatible device apps. Stax/Flex bot specs support to be included in the future.

To migrate from nanoS speculos deviceActions to nanoS+, execute the spec manually and adapt the screen, see example below :

     title: "Send to address (1/3)",
     button: SpeculosButton.RIGHT,
     title: "Send to address (2/3)",
     button: SpeculosButton.RIGHT,
     title: "Send to address (3/3)",
     button: SpeculosButton.BOTH,
     title: "Send to address (1/2)",
     button: SpeculosButton.RIGHT,
     title: "Send to address (2/2)",
     button: SpeculosButton.BOTH,
     title: "Send to address",
     button: SpeculosButton.RIGHT,

What is this testing?

We are testing the broadcast part and sync part.

The bot executes each possible mutation on one account as long as it is possible and will stop if the maxRun is reached, or if it encounter an invariant.

The bot will then move to the next account and execute the same actions, until it reaches the configured maxAccount.

Then it will execute all the updates of the Transaction object.

The bot will try to sign the transaction using instructions that you provided in speculos-deviceActions.ts

Eventually it will broadcast the transaction in the blockchain and wait for the sync to find the operation and its optimisic version.

How to define a test


It is required to know every screen that your device app contains, it will use the title of the screen then optionally check if the expectedValue of that screen is what it expects, then eventually execute the button action.

title : name of the screen title
button: "Rr" for the bot to push the Right button of the nano || "Ll" same for left || "LRlr" same but for both
expectedValue: string of what we want to compare

You can use the following example to help you start to write how the bot will react :

import type { DeviceAction } from "../../bot/types";
import type { Transaction } from "./types";
import { formatCurrencyUnit } from "../../currencies";
import { deviceActionFlow } from "../../bot/specs";
const expectedAmount = ({ account, status }) =>
  formatCurrencyUnit(account.unit, status.amount, {
    disableRounding: true,
  }) + " MCN";
const acceptTransaction: DeviceAction<Transaction, *> = deviceActionFlow({
  steps: [
      title: "Starting Balance",
      button: "Rr",
      expectedValue: expectedAmount,
      title: "Send",
      button: "Rr",
      expectedValue: expectedAmount,
      title: "Fee",
      button: "Rr",
      expectedValue: ({ account, status }) =>
        formatCurrencyUnit(account.unit, status.estimatedFees, {
          disableRounding: true,
        }) + " XLM",
      title: "Destination",
      button: "Rr",
      expectedValue: ({ transaction }) => transaction.recipient,
      title: "Accept",
      button: "LRlr",
export default { acceptTransaction };



You should force a specific Nano version only if mandatory, in general it is always better to let the bot target the latest version.

You can find the full list of available parameters here for AppSpec and MutationSpec.

Mutation configuration

  • name: description of the mutation (will be included in the report)
  • maxRun: max number of executions of the spec itself
  • transaction: code to be executed for the spec
  • test : checks / expectations after the transaction execution

Standard send/receive

import expect from "expect";
import invariant from "invariant";
import type { AppSpec } from "../../bot/types";
import type { Transaction } from "./types";
import type { Account } from "../../types";
import { pickSiblings, botTest } from "../../bot/specs";
import { isAccountEmpty } from "../../account";
// Ensure that, when the recipient corresponds to an empty account,
// the amount to send is greater or equal to the required minimum
// balance for such a recipient
const checkSendableToEmptyAccount = (amount, recipient) => {
  if (isAccountEmpty(recipient) && amount.lte(minBalanceNewAccount)) {
      "not enough funds to send to new account"
const mycoin: AppSpec<Transaction> = {
  name: "mycoin",
  appQuery: {
    model: "nanoS",
    appName: "mycoin",
  mutations: [
      name: "send max",
      maxRun: 1,
      testDestination: genericTestDestination,
      transaction: ({ account, siblings, bridge, maxSpendable }) => {
        invariant(maxSpendable.gt(0), "Spendable balance is too low");
        const sibling = pickSiblings(siblings, 4);
        // Send the full spendable balance
        const amount = maxSpendable;
        checkSendableToEmptyAccount(amount, sibling);
        return {
          transaction: bridge.createTransaction(account),
          updates: [
              recipient: sibling.freshAddress,
              useAllAmount: true,
      test: ({ account }) => {
        // Ensure that there is no more than 20 μALGOs (discretionary value)
        // between the actual balance and the expected one to take into account
        // the eventual pending rewards added _after_ the transaction
        botTest("account spendable balance is very low", () =>
      name: "send ASA ~50%",
      maxRun: 2,
      transaction: ({ account, siblings, bridge, maxSpendable }) => {
        invariant(maxSpendable.gt(0), "Spendable balance is too low");
        const subAccount = sample(getAssetsWithBalance(account));
        invariant(subAccount && subAccount.type === "TokenAccount", "no subAccount with ASA");
        const assetId = subAccount.token.id;
        const sibling = pickSiblingsOptedIn(siblings, assetId);
        const transaction = bridge.createTransaction(account);
        const recipient = (sibling as Account).freshAddress;
        const mode = "send";
        const amount = subAccount.balance.div(1.9 + 0.2 * Math.random()).integerValue();
        const updates: Array<Partial<AlgorandTransaction>> = [
            subAccountId: subAccount.id,
        return {
      test: ({ account, accountBeforeTransaction, transaction, status }) => {
        const subAccountId = transaction.subAccountId;
        const subAccount = account.subAccounts?.find(sa => sa.id === subAccountId);
        const subAccountBeforeTransaction = accountBeforeTransaction.subAccounts?.find(
          sa => sa.id === subAccountId,
        botTest("subAccount balance moved with the tx status amount", () =>
export default { mycoin };


    name: "delegate new validators",
      maxRun: 1,
      transaction: ({ account, bridge, siblings }) => {
        expectSiblingsHaveSpendablePartGreaterThan(siblings, 0.5);
        invariant(account.index % 2 > 0, "only one out of 2 accounts is not going to delegate");
        invariant(canDelegate(account as CosmosAccount), "can delegate");
        const { cosmosResources } = account as CosmosAccount;
        invariant(cosmosResources, "cosmos");
          (cosmosResources as CosmosResources).delegations.length < 3,
          "already enough delegations",
        const data = getCurrentCosmosPreloadData()[account.currency.id];
        const count = 1; // we'r always going to have only one validator because of the new delegation flow.
        let remaining = getMaxDelegationAvailable(account as CosmosAccount, count)
          .times(0.1 * Math.random());
        invariant(remaining.gt(0), "not enough funds in account for delegate");
        const all = data.validators.filter(
          v =>
            !(cosmosResources as CosmosResources).delegations.some(
              // new delegations only
              d => d.validatorAddress === v.validatorAddress,
        invariant(all.length > 0, "no validators found");
        const validators = sampleSize(all, count)
          .map(delegation => {
            // take a bit of remaining each time (less is preferred with the random() square)
            const amount = remaining.times(Math.random() * Math.random()).integerValue();
            remaining = remaining.minus(amount);
            return {
              address: delegation.validatorAddress,
          .filter(v => v.amount.gt(0));
        invariant(validators.length > 0, "no possible delegation found");
        return {
          transaction: bridge.createTransaction(account),
          updates: [
              memo: "LedgerLiveBot",
              mode: "delegate",
              validators: validators,
            { amount: validators[0].amount },
      test: ({ account, transaction }) => {
        const { cosmosResources } = account as CosmosAccount;
        invariant(cosmosResources, "cosmos");
        transaction.validators.forEach(v => {
          const d = (cosmosResources as CosmosResources).delegations.find(
            d => d.validatorAddress === v.address,
          invariant(d, "delegated %s must be found in account", v.address);
          botTest("delegator have planned address and amount", () => {
            expect(v.address).toBe((d as CosmosDelegation).validatorAddress);
            checkAmountsCloseEnough(v.amount, (d as CosmosDelegation).amount);
      name: "undelegate",
      maxRun: 5,
      transaction: ({ account, bridge, maxSpendable }) => {
        invariant(canUndelegate(account as CosmosAccount), "can undelegate");
        const { cosmosResources } = account as CosmosAccount;
        invariant(cosmosResources, "cosmos");
        invariant(maxSpendable.gt(minimalTransactionAmount.times(2)), "balance is too low");
          (cosmosResources as CosmosResources).delegations.length > 0,
          "already enough delegations",
        const undelegateCandidate = sample(
          (cosmosResources as CosmosResources).delegations.filter(
            d =>
              !(cosmosResources as CosmosResources).redelegations.some(
                r =>
                  r.validatorSrcAddress === d.validatorAddress ||
                  r.validatorDstAddress === d.validatorAddress,
              ) &&
              !(cosmosResources as CosmosResources).unbondings.some(
                r => r.validatorAddress === d.validatorAddress,
        invariant(undelegateCandidate, "already pending");
        const amount = (undelegateCandidate as CosmosDelegation).amount
          .times(Math.random() > 0.2 ? 1 : Math.random()) // most of the time, undelegate all
        invariant(amount.gt(0), "random amount to be positive");
        return {
          transaction: bridge.createTransaction(account),
          updates: [
              mode: "undelegate",
              memo: "LedgerLiveBot",
              validators: [
                  address: (undelegateCandidate as CosmosDelegation).validatorAddress,
      test: ({ account, transaction }) => {
        const { cosmosResources } = account as CosmosAccount;
        invariant(cosmosResources, "cosmos");
        transaction.validators.forEach(v => {
          const d = (cosmosResources as CosmosResources).unbondings.find(
            d => d.validatorAddress === v.address,
          invariant(d, "undelegated %s must be found in account", v.address);
          botTest("validator have planned address and amount", () => {
            expect(v.address).toBe((d as CosmosUnbonding).validatorAddress);
            checkAmountsCloseEnough(v.amount, (d as CosmosUnbonding).amount);
    name: "claim rewards",
      maxRun: 1,
      transaction: ({ account, bridge, maxSpendable }) => {
        const { cosmosResources } = account as CosmosAccount;
        invariant(cosmosResources, "cosmos");
          "balance is too low for claim rewards",
        const delegation = sample(
          (cosmosResources as CosmosResources).delegations.filter(d => d.pendingRewards.gt(1000)),
        ) as CosmosDelegation;
        invariant(delegation, "no delegation to claim");
        return {
          transaction: bridge.createTransaction(account),
          updates: [
              mode: "claimReward",
              memo: "LedgerLiveBot",
              validators: [
                  address: delegation.validatorAddress,
                  amount: delegation.pendingRewards,
      test: ({ account, transaction }) => {
        const { cosmosResources } = account as CosmosAccount;
        invariant(cosmosResources, "cosmos");
        transaction.validators.forEach(v => {
          const d = (cosmosResources as CosmosResources).delegations.find(
            d => d.validatorAddress === v.address,
          botTest("delegation exists in account", () =>
            invariant(d, "delegation %s must be found in account", v.address),
          botTest("reward is no longer claimable after claim", () =>
              "pending reward is not reset",

Token support

  name: "move some ERC20 like (ERC20, BEP20, etc...)",
  maxRun: 1,
  testDestination: testTokenDestination,
  transaction: ({ account, siblings, bridge }): TransactionRes<EvmTransaction> => {
    const erc20Account = sample((account.subAccounts || []).filter(a => a.balance.gt(0)));
    invariant(erc20Account, "no erc20 account");
    const sibling = pickSiblings(siblings, 3);
    const recipient = sibling.freshAddress;
    return {
      transaction: bridge.createTransaction(account),
      updates: [
          subAccountId: erc20Account!.id,
        Math.random() < 0.5
          ? {
              useAllAmount: true,
          : {
              amount: erc20Account!.balance.times(Math.random()).integerValue(),
  test: ({ accountBeforeTransaction, account, transaction }): void => {
    invariant(accountBeforeTransaction.subAccounts, "sub accounts before");
    const erc20accountBefore = accountBeforeTransaction.subAccounts?.find(
      s => s.id === transaction.subAccountId,
    invariant(erc20accountBefore, "erc20 acc was here before");
    invariant(account.subAccounts, "sub accounts");
    const erc20account = account.subAccounts!.find(s => s.id === transaction.subAccountId);
    invariant(erc20account, "erc20 acc is still here");
    if (transaction.useAllAmount) {
      botTest("erc20 account is empty", () => expect(erc20account!.balance.toString()).toBe("0"));
    } else {
      botTest("account balance moved with tx amount", () =>

Launch the bot

pnpm run:cli cleanSpeculos; SEED="generate a seed for testing" COINAPPS="/path/to/coin/apps/folder" pnpm run:cli bot -c mycoin
  • Generate a 24 words SEED, iancoleman.io/bip39/. Use this seed for testing purpose only, then use the command before to have an adresse and send some currencies into it

  • The bot will execute each scenario if it met the requirement, then it will wait until the sync find the broadcasted transaction

  • You also need to specify how the bot will react when he encounter certain screen, create speculos-deviceActions.ts

Common errors

⚠️ TEST waiting operation id to appear after broadcast

-> Operation that has been broadcasted, for some reason, after the timeout delay , does not end up in the history (timeout delay is not enough or operation gets lost in the process).

⚠️ Error: device action timeout. Recent events was:
{"text":"From Address (2/2)","x":16,"y":3,"w":106,"h":32}
{"text":"To (1/2)","x":45,"y":3,"w":77,"h":32}
(totally spent 61.6s – ends at 2024-04-04T05:55:53.966Z)

-> An update is required on the screens

necessary accounts resynced in 0.18ms
▬ Filecoin 0.24.1 on nanoSP 1.1.1
→ FROM Filecoin 2 cross [bip44]: 0.616356 FIL (25ops) (f1a57ukatezm5aiuahhdrip3eyf7hzoj73u3ieyrq on 44'/461'/1'/0/0) filecoinBIP44#1 js:2:filecoin:f1a57ukatezm5aiuahhdrip3eyf7hzoj73u3ieyrq:filecoinBIP44 (! sum of ops 0.616356356693009588 FIL)
max spendable ~0.616356
★ using mutation 'Transfer Max'
→ TO Filecoin 7 [bip44]: 0 FIL (6ops) (f1bw4zwsefo5rwk3t536tq6wlgdhivrt5ucmdttji on 44'/461'/6'/0/0) filecoinBIP44#6 js:2:filecoin:f1bw4zwsefo5rwk3t536tq6wlgdhivrt5ucmdttji:filecoinBIP44
✔️ transaction 
TO f1bw4zwsefo5rwk3t536tq6wlgdhivrt5ucmdttji
STATUS (1435ms)
  amount: 0.616356203626308647 FIL
  estimated fees: 0.000000153066700962 FIL
  total spent: 0.616356356693009609 FIL
⚠️ TEST deviceAction confirm step 'Value'
Error: expect(received).toMatchObject(expected)

- Expected  - 1
+ Received  + 1

  Object {
-   "Value": "0.616356203626308647",
+   "Value": "FIL 0.616356203626308647",
(totally spent 5.2s – ends at 2024-04-04T05:55:53.928Z)

-> An update updated is required on the screens (new prefix)

necessary accounts resynced in 0.24ms
▬ Cosmos 2.35.19 on nanoS 2.1.0
→ FROM Cosmos 2: 0.034471 ATOM (0ops) (cosmos1k2d965a5clx7327n9zx30ewz39ms7kyj9rs935 on 44'/118'/1'/0/0) #1 js:2:cosmos:cosmos1k2d965a5clx7327n9zx30ewz39ms7kyj9rs935: (! sum of ops 0 ATOM) 0.034471 ATOM spendable. 

max spendable ~0.03276
★ using mutation 'send max'
→ TO Cosmos 4: 0.02964 ATOM (0ops) (cosmos17s09a0jyp24hl7w3vcn8padz6efwmrpjwy3uf4 on 44'/118'/3'/0/0) #3 js:2:cosmos:cosmos17s09a0jyp24hl7w3vcn8padz6efwmrpjwy3uf4:
✔️ transaction 
TO cosmos17s09a0jyp24hl7w3vcn8padz6efwmrpjwy3uf4

with fees=0.001713
STATUS (816ms)
  amount: 0.032758 ATOM
  estimated fees: 0.001713 ATOM
  total spent: 0.034471 ATOM
✔️ has been signed! (7.9s) 
✔️ broadcasted! (120ms) optimistic operation: 
  -0.034471 ATOM     OUT        8893674CA6DD3A513111B253D8D3AB4150F83CF318297B197D12BB20238ABB99 2024-04-04T05:33
⚠️ TEST waiting operation id to appear after broadcast
Error: could not find optimisticOperation js:2:cosmos:cosmos1k2d965a5clx7327n9zx30ewz39ms7kyj9rs935:-8893674CA6DD3A513111B253D8D3AB4150F83CF318297B197D12BB20238ABB99-OUT
(totally spent 2min 9s – ends at 2024-04-04T05:55:53.870Z)

-> Backend issue

necessary accounts resynced in 0.24ms
▬ Cosmos 2.35.19 on nanoS 2.1.0
→ FROM Cosmos 2: 0.034471 ATOM (0ops) (cosmos1k2d965a5clx7327n9zx30ewz39ms7kyj9rs935 on 44'/118'/1'/0/0) #1 js:2:cosmos:cosmos1k2d965a5clx7327n9zx30ewz39ms7kyj9rs935: (! sum of ops 0 ATOM) 0.034471 ATOM spendable. 

max spendable ~0.03276
★ using mutation 'send max'
→ TO Cosmos 4: 0.02964 ATOM (0ops) (cosmos17s09a0jyp24hl7w3vcn8padz6efwmrpjwy3uf4 on 44'/118'/3'/0/0) #3 js:2:cosmos:cosmos17s09a0jyp24hl7w3vcn8padz6efwmrpjwy3uf4:
✔️ transaction 
TO cosmos17s09a0jyp24hl7w3vcn8padz6efwmrpjwy3uf4

with fees=0.001713
STATUS (816ms)
  amount: 0.032758 ATOM
  estimated fees: 0.001713 ATOM
  total spent: 0.034471 ATOM
✔️ has been signed! (7.9s) 
✔️ broadcasted! (120ms) optimistic operation: 
  -0.034471 ATOM     OUT        8893674CA6DD3A513111B253D8D3AB4150F83CF318297B197D12BB20238ABB99 2024-04-04T05:33
⚠️ TEST waiting operation id to appear after broadcast
Error: could not find optimisticOperation js:2:cosmos:cosmos1k2d965a5clx7327n9zx30ewz39ms7kyj9rs935:-8893674CA6DD3A513111B253D8D3AB4150F83CF318297B197D12BB20238ABB99-OUT
(totally spent 2min 9s – ends at 2024-04-04T05:55:53.870Z)

-> Backend issue

necessary accounts resynced in 0.16ms
▬ Cosmos 2.35.19 on nanoS 2.1.0
→ FROM Osmosis 7: 0.02492 OSMO (1ops) (osmo1n6vccpa77x7xyhnk98jy6gg3rmgjkazxuyk2ng on 44'/118'/6'/0/0) #6 js:2:osmo:osmo1n6vccpa77x7xyhnk98jy6gg3rmgjkazxuyk2ng: (! sum of ops -0.043349 OSMO) 0.02492 OSMO spendable. 

max spendable ~0.022518
★ using mutation 'send some'
→ TO Osmosis 3: 0 OSMO (0ops) (osmo1vvzwc6l3wfdaqa9rncex8k2uwtpwztswsm7kkv on 44'/118'/2'/0/0) #2 js:2:osmo:osmo1vvzwc6l3wfdaqa9rncex8k2uwtpwztswsm7kkv:
✔️ transaction 
SEND  0.007005 OSMO
TO osmo1vvzwc6l3wfdaqa9rncex8k2uwtpwztswsm7kkv

with fees=0.002006
STATUS (24.4s)
  amount: 0.007005 OSMO
  estimated fees: 0.002006 OSMO
  total spent: 0.009011 OSMO
✔️ has been signed! (13.6s) {"operation":{"id":"js:2:osmo:osmo1n6vccpa77x7xyhnk98jy6gg3rmgjkazxuyk2ng:--OUT","hash":"","type":"OUT","senders":["osmo1n6vccpa77x7xyhnk98jy6gg3rmgjkazxuyk2ng"],"recipients":["osmo1vvzwc6l3wfdaqa9rncex8k2uwtpwztswsm7kkv"],"accountId":"js:2:osmo:osmo1n6vccpa77x7xyhnk98jy6gg3rmgjkazxuyk2ng:","blockHash":null,"blockHeight":null,"extra":{},"date":"2024-04-03T11:28:05.878Z","value":"9011","fee":"2006","transactionSequenceNumber":41},"signature":"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"}
⚠️ TEST during broadcast
LedgerAPI5xx: API HTTP 504
(totally spent 98s – ends at 2024-04-03T11:32:38.725Z)

How to update required screens

Open libs/coin-modules/coin-bitcoin/src/speculos-deviceActions.ts and update screens according to what you see on the device app, if expectedValue does not make sense anymore just delete it.

You can do a test run to see what screens fail (but the best way is to directly compare with real device app screens).

Copyright © Ledger SAS. All rights reserved. Ledger, Ledger Nano S, Ledger Vault, Ledger OS are registered trademarks of Ledger SAS