DocumentationLedger LiveAccountsIntegration walkthroughsBlockchainTestsTest planSend/receive test plan

Send/receive test plan


  • Add an account
  • Migrate an account : Add an account in prod, don’t crash using tested version
  • Synchronizing manually does not throw an error (green check)
  • Synchronizing of a big account (which uses multiple pages when fetching history)

Receive/Address verification

  • User can verify his address with the nano
  • User can verify his address without the nano


  • Available balance is right


  • Send max operation empties the account
  • Send operation sends the right amount
  • User cannot send more than his balance


  • Optimistic operation is filled correctly
  • Operation history has every transactions of the account
  • Operation has the right transaction ID
  • User can reach the tx details by clicking on the “view on explorer” button
  • Operation account is right

Account details

  • Fiat value fetched from countervalues is right
  • User can favorite his account and it is shown
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