DocumentationLedger LiveAccountsIntegration walkthroughsBlockchain7 - Ledger Live Desktop and Mobile

7 - Ledger Live Desktop and Mobile

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  2. Clone the repo

Ledger Live Common

Ledger Live Common is the repo where all the common logic and setup (between desktop and mobile) is done.

Even if CoinModules are made with Ledger Live as first class citizen user, it is not the only Ledger product that relies on. Therefore, some setup is required to allow LLD and LLM to use your CoinModule.

For a dedicated CoinModule (i.e. MyCoin), all those setup files will be in libs/ledger-live-common/src/families/mycoin directory.


The setup file (libs/ledger-live-common/src/families/mycoin/setup.ts) is responsible for the instanciation of the CoinModule. It injects all required elements.

Some helpers function exist in LLC (libs/ledger-live-common/src/bridge/setup.ts), to avoid too much boilerplate.

import {
  type Transaction,
} from "@ledgerhq/coin-mycoin";
import { getCryptoCurrencyById } from "@ledgerhq/cryptoassets/currencies";
import Transport from "@ledgerhq/hw-transport";
import MyCoin from "@ledgerhq/hw-app-mycoin";
import type { Bridge } from "@ledgerhq/types-live";
import { MyCoinCoinConfig } from "@ledgerhq/coin-mycoin/config";
import myCoinResolver from "@ledgerhq/coin-mycoin/signer/index";
import makeCliTools, { type CliTools } from "@ledgerhq/coin-mycoin/test/cli";
import { createResolver, executeWithSigner, type CreateSigner } from "../../bridge/setup";
import { Resolver } from "../../hw/getAddress/types";
import { getCurrencyConfiguration } from "../../config";
const createSigner: CreateSigner<MyCoin> = (transport: Transport) => {
  return new MyCoin(transport);
const myCoin = getCryptoCurrencyById("myCoin");
// Closure that will load dynamically the current config linked to this coin. The config may change during LLD and LLM lifecyle.
const getCurrencyConfig = (): MyCoinCoinConfig => getCurrencyConfiguration(myCoin);
const bridge: Bridge<Transaction, MyCoinAccount, TransactionStatus> = createBridges(
const resolver: Resolver = createResolver(createSigner, myCoinResolver);
const cliTools: CliTools = makeCliTools();
export { bridge, cliTools, resolver };


Ledger Live use a dynamic configuration for some parts of its logic. CoinModules use this tool to seamlessly update some key elements.

The status element of the following object is mandatory. The other properties are depending on your needs in the CoinModule. libs/ledger-live-common/src/bridge/config.ts:

import { ConfigInfo } from "@ledgerhq/live-config/LiveConfig";
import { getEnv } from "@ledgerhq/live-env";
export const myCoinConfig: Record<string, ConfigInfo> = {
  config_currency_mycoin: {
    type: "object",
    default: {
      status: {
        type: "active",
      node: {
        url: getEnv("API_MYCOIN_NODE"),

Ledger Live Desktop

Adding the crypto in LLD

  1. In live-common-set-supported-currencies.js add the name you gave in the table. E.g., mycoin
  2. Add the error translation keys in static/i18n/en.

Running the Desktop project

cd ledger-live
pnpm dev:lld

Ledger Live Mobile

Adding the crypto in LLM

  1. Similarly step as for instructions for LLD, except it is in file live-common-setup.js.
  2. Add the error translation keys in src/locales/en/common.json

Running the Mobile project on iOS (Mac only)

The prerequisites to running the project are found in the README file.

cd ledger-live
pnpm dev:llm

Running the Mobile project on Android or iOS


pnpm mobile android

or open android/ in Android Studio.


pnpm mobile ios

or open ios/ledgerlivemobile.xcworkspace

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