
The requirement is to provide 2 mandatory icons that should be provided for Ledger to release an app:

  • The Manager icon, displayed in the Manager application list in Ledger Live
  • The Device icon, displayed on the Ledger dashboard (this consists in 1 icon for the Nano S, one Icon for the Nano S Plus and the Nano X, and one for the Ledger Stax)

Submitting icons that are not compliant will slow down the process of publishing your device App.

Manager icon

  • RGB colors only
  • Pictogram color should be white
  • Pictrogram stroke should be 4pt

Manager icon template (click to access Illustrator file) Manager icon template (click to access Illustrator file)

Device icon


You can use Photopea to create your icons.

Nano devices

We accept icons in PNG or GIF format.

Ledger Nano S and X icon template (click to access Illustrator file) Ledger Nano S and X icon template (click the image to access Illustrator file)

Stax and Flex devices

We accept icons in PNG or GIF format.

The easiest way to create your Stax and Flex devices icon is to use the following sript.

Alternatively, you can use the following template:

Ledger Stax and Flex icon template (click to download the template) Ledger Stax and Flex icon template (click the image to access downloadable file)

Design Warranty


Ensure your app’s design is free from encumbrances and does not infringe upon any third-party intellectual property rights. You are responsible for holding Ledger harmless of any claim arising from the use and distribution of your app.

The design of your app must be free from any encumbrances and must not infringe upon any third party intellectual property right, in particular trademark and design rights. You grant Ledger the right to use such design for free with the right to reproduce and exploit the design for the duration of its display on Ledger website.

You represent and warrant that the app you are making available on Ledger Live is in compliance with all relevant laws and regulations.

You agree to hold Ledger harmless of any claim arising out of the use of the design and or distribution of your app .

Copyright © Ledger SAS. All rights reserved. Ledger, Ledger Nano S, Ledger Vault, Ledger OS are registered trademarks of Ledger SAS