DocumentationDevice AppReferencesDeveloping tools overview

Embedded Tools

Development environment

Docker images

As the device applications needs to run on a non-standard system, and thus need specific build chain and configuration, we provide Docker images so that building an app and loading it on a device has a minimal impact on one’s computer - given Docker is installed.

Several images are available depending on the developer’s needs.


These images are maintained and updated on this repository.

VScode extension

The VSCode extension uses the most complete Docker image we provide and wires it into the VScode IDE for a frictionless development experience.

It includes the following capabilities:

  • Build the device application for all existing devices
  • Test the app with Speculos
  • Load an app on your device
  • Execute functional tests
  • Open a terminal in your Docker container
  • Update the development environment

The extension can be found here, while the sources are updated here.

GitHub Workflows

Ledger provides several workflows to ease the integration of applications into the GitHub CI.

Some of them are mandatory for an application to be deployed, but the others can still be useful.


Documentation and sources can be found here.
Usage examples can be found in the CI of lots of applications, for instance the Boilerplate workflows, the Ethereum workflows or the Exchange workflows.


Speculos is an emulator allowing to run and test an device application without loading it on a physical Ledger device. While it is not capable of emulating some constraints of the physical devices, it is still a very realistic and handy tool, and the pillar of any credible testing strategy.


If you need more information about Speculos, read its documentation.
Sources can be found here.


Ragger is Python library offering abstractions over an Ledger embedded device (Nano and Stax), either real or emulated (through Speculos). It aims at simplifying writing generic communication with an device application and managing high-level graphical interactions. It is widly used to write functional tests code


You can read the full Ragger documentation here.
Sources can be found here.


Ledgered is a Python package which goal is to be a collection of small, autonomous utilitaries and libraries.

For now, it only contains a tool (ledger-manifest) allowing to check ledger_app.toml manifest files (which are a requirement for an application to be deployed).


Sources and documentation can be found in the Ledgered repository.



The sources of this tool can be found here.

In Ledger app development, it is necessary to enter your PIN code each time you install an unsigned app. However, Ledger OS supports installing a custom developer certificate. With a custom certificate, you can avoid having to retype your PIN each time you adjust your app. Here are the steps for the Ledger Nano S:

  1. Generate a public / private keypair using the following command:

    foo@bar:~$ python3 -m ledgerblue.genCAPair
    Public key : 0495331cb86e961fc9cb5792a97737e4204b58be99321dcec463cec3057b3304e9875614004e6e540ab0610a1339fae22df6f6f3ec594912b409d69b72f0eaf390
    Private key: 6c1f1df852255e113b23c2e977d6b5c3ea2aaf411f05a5fdab87a3e8f44468ee
  2. Enter in recovery mode on your Ledger Nano S. Do this by unplugging it then holding down the right button (near the hinge, away from USB port) while plugging it in again. recovery mode should then appear on the screen. Enter your pin and continue.

  3. Load your public key onto the Ledger Nano S. Paste the public key generated at step 1 after --public. You may need to adjust the --targetId constant to match your device. Find the right targetId for your device here. Notice that we must include a --name parameter containing the name of the custom certificate (any string will do):

    python3 -m ledgerblue.setupCustomCA —targetId 0x31100004 —public yourPublicKey —name dev

    If you receive the error Invalid status 6985, review this link and go back to step 2. The above command is the simplest that can work however some developers may wish to use the optional --rootPrivateKey option to specify a secure channel encryption key (which is the private key generated at step 1) or use the --name option for convenient labeling according to local convention.

  4. Once you have loaded your custom certificate, load an app you compiled onto your Ledger device to see if you are able to bypass the PIN. Before you try it, set the SCP_PRIVKEY environment variable to contain the private key generated at step 1 in your shell or .bashrc:

    export SCP_PRIVKEY=yourPrivateKey

    and rebuild/load your app.


A Ledger device with a custom CA installed can not pass the Ledger Genuine Check, which is required to install applications from the Ledger Live. To make it pass the check, uninstall your custom CA and all the applications installed through it.

Uninstalling a custom CA is very quick:

  1. Enter in recovery mode on your Ledger Nano S: unplug the device and then plug it back while holding down the right button (near the hinge, away from USB port). recovery mode appears on the screen. Enter your pin and continue.

  2. Type this command in your terminal:

    foo@bar:~$ python3 -m ledgerblue.resetCustomCA --targetId 0x31100004

    Find the right targetId for your device here.



The sources of this too can be found here.


Install Ledgerctl


pip3 install --upgrade protobuf setuptools ecdsa
pip3 install ledgerwallet


git clone
pip3 install --upgrade protobuf setuptools ecdsa
cd ledgerctl
pip install -e .

(optional) Install a custom certificate authority

Optionally, install a custom certificate authority (this will help to establish a custom secure channel between the computer and the device, and identifies ledgerctl as a “trusted manager” on the device):

  • a. To install a custom CA, boot the device in “Recovery” mode by pressing the right button at boot time.
  • b. Then run ledgerctl install-ca <NAME> where <NAME> is the name that will be displayed on the device to identify the CA. It can be any label, like “ledgerctl”, “Dev”, or “CA”.

The Ledger device will display to you a public key. Allow the “unsafe manager” on the device by pressing at the time the right and left buttons.


You’re now ready to use ledgerctl to manage your Nano.

To display the list of the application installed on your device:

ledgerctl list

To display the available space on the device:

ledgerctl meminfo

To delete an app (for example “Bitcoin Legacy”):

ledgerctl delete "Bitcoin Legacy"
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