Device App
Security specificities

Security concerns

This part describes possibly insecure patterns found in specific cryptocurrencies, and how to handle them.

Be Wary of Untrusted Input

Some cryptocurrencies do not have explicit fee encoded in the transaction. In such cases, the app cannot rely on the fee value sent from the host. Instead, it should receive previous UTxOs and check their output amounts. Note that this usually needs to be done in a separate step due to memory constraints. Check the BTC app design for this.

Properly protect data you wish to cache on the host computer

Sometimes your app needs to compute over more data than it can fit inside memory. Taking an example from the previous section, it might not be easy to store all UTxOs in the device memory. As such, you might break computation into multiple steps and, for example, verify each UTxO separately and let the host computer cache a "certified summary". If you do this, be aware that

  1. If the information you want the host to cache is public, you still need to attach a signature to it so that the host cannot send some other value later. This could be done with standard HMAC digest. We would recommend using a temporary (per session) key for this --having a per-session HMAC allows you to truncate the digest size (e.g., you don't need to have HMAC which withstands years of brute-force attack. Instead, you can balance the digest size against some reasonable upper bound on how long the session lives (e.g., one month should be enough)).

  2. If the information is not public, you need to both encrypt and provide a signature. Notably, it is not enough to "scramble" the data by XORing with a random key as this would still allow the attacker to tamper with the values. (Or even break the scrambling if you re-use the same key).


    • Encrypt the information with a sufficiently strong cypher
    • Provide a digest to avoid tampering with the value

Do not allow the host to freely manipulate key-pairs

Some cryptocurrencies (notably Monero) need to perform an extensive calculation with (public, private) key-pair spread over multiple APDU exchanges. If you need to do the same, do not allow the attacker to step out of the protocol. Notably, allowing the attacker to freely perform key manipulation (e.g., group multiplications, exponentiations, etc.) could undermine your app security even if the private key never leaves the device. In general, keep an explicit protocol state machine during the computation. Also, consult with cryptography experts to check for implications if you misstep from the protocol.

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