

The submission of a Ledger device app or plugin is completed through a form. This will ask you for all the various items required together in one place.

Please make sure you followed this process and the coding requirements, and that all the deliverables are ready, else the deployment process will be stopped.

Ready to submit your App or Plugin for review?

Once you have finished your work and you have collected all the App or Plugin items you must enter them in:

Make sure you thoroughly complete the form to ensure a speedy release process.


The integration process will only start if you answer accurately to all the questions.

App Form Checklist

This section is a summary outline of what is needed in the process od developing a device app. The list below is organised by category and some items are quite varied. Please make sure you have understood what is expected. You may use this list as a checklist.

1 - General information

2 - Security

3 - Device app

  • I have read the coding tutorials
  • Device app source code (GitHub repository)
  • My app repository has a test folder that contains the Functional tests and Unit tests
  • The App has been fully tested with a companion wallet (CLI or GUI)
  • Two icons for the Ledger Stax, Nano and for "My Ledger" in Ledger Live, in PNG or GIF (see Icons)
  • Video of your application running on the Ledger device (for Ledger Nano only)
  • The App has a Blind Signing setting (if applicable)
  • The Guidelines_enforcer and Build_and_functional_tests workflow succeeds

4 - Companion Wallet

  • A link to the Companion Wallet The wallet must give an option to verify the receiving address on a Ledger device. It should also have an affiliate link next to the "Connect with Ledger" option. You must provide either:
    • a link to the CLI repository, or
    • a link to the GUI running on Windows/MacOS/Linux (mandatory for Public release)

5- Documentation

  • Document in the App's repository the list of the app's APDUs and status words
  • Link to a Google doc tutorial about how to install and use your app (see Third Party Applications Support)
    • The doc must include the link to the published tutorial hosted on third party website

7 - Marketing (Mandatory for Public release)

8 - Warranty and liability

Plugin Form Checklist

1 - General information

  • Device app name
  • What service does the dApp provide
  • The smart contracts addresses
  • Legal Entity name
  • Postal address
  • Email address

3 - Security

4 - Plugin

  • Plugin source code (GitHub repository)
  • Two icons for the Ledger Stax, Nano and for "My Ledger" in Ledger Live, in PNG or GIF (see Icons)
  • Link of the dApp working with the plugin

5 - Support

  • I have read the support page
  • Main support contact (mail address, Slack/Reddit/Telegram/Discord communities)

6 - Warranty and liability

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