Generic test plan

Generic test plan

Account management

Test #1 : Add new account

Given I’ve no currency account on my portfolio
When I add a new account
Then a new currency account is added on the account list
And the first derived address index is 0

Test #2 : Add more accounts

Given I have already added a currency account on my portfolio
When I add a new account
Then a new currency account is added on the account list
And a second derived address index is incremented

Test #3 : Delete account

Given I already have a currency account on my portfolio
When I delete an account
Then it deletes all data related to that account


Test #1 : Transaction History

Given I added my currency account
When I am on my account page
Then it retrieves the full transaction history
And it includes every transaction types supported by the blockchain (Tokens, if it exists)

Test #2 : Balance

Given I have a currency account with a balance
When I am on my account page
Then the account balance is correct according to how the balance is defined in the currency whether excluding or including staking amounts

Test #3 : Different derivation path

Given I have a currency account with different derivation paths (Kepler VS Native; e.g. other wallets)
Then the account is retrieved when synchronizing

Test #4 : Graph

Given I have a currency account with a history
When I am on my account page
Then the graph data is correct


Test #1 : GUI

Given I have a currency account on my portfolio
When I do Receive flow
Then the address displayed on the GUI is correct

Test #2 : Device

Given I have a currency account on my portfolio
When I do Receive flow
Then the address displayed on the device is correct


Test #1 : Bad amount

Given I have a positive balance
When I send balance + 1 to a recipient address
Then it displays the “Insufficient funds” error

Test #2 : No fees

Given I have a positive balance
When I send all my balance to a recipient address
Then it displays the “Insufficient funds” error

Test #3 : Bad recipient address

Given I have a positive balance
When I send an amount to a bad recipient address
Then it displays the “Invalid address” error

Test #4 : Send max

Given I have a positive balance
When I do a send max
And toggle “Send Max”
Then the maximum spendable amount is (balance - fees)
And it auto-fills the amount field with the maximum spendable amount

Test #5 : Self send

Given I have a positive balance
When I do a self send
And send amount to the same account address
Then it (or does not*) displays the“Recipient address is the same as the sender” error

* according to the Technical Assessment specification

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