Building the CLI for development
Using a local version of Ledger Live to test your integration can be time consuming. If you would rather have a faster process, you can use the CLI.
Set up
To install the CLI do:
pnpm i
To publish:
# build the cli for publishing
pnpm build:cli
To use it:
pnpm run:cli <command> args
You can test that your local Live Common and your device works correctly by executing a CLI command like:
pnpm run:cli version # should print live-common version
pnpm run:cli deviceInfo # should display information about connected device
If everything is fine, you are ready to start integrating your blockchain!
Ledger Live CLI cmd example
pnpm run:cli sync -c bitcoin -i 0 -s native_segwit # using device
pnpm run:cli sync -c bitcoin --xpub 'xpub......' # using xpub
pnpm run:cli getAddress -c bitcoin --path "84'/0'/0'/0/0" --derivationMode ''
pnpm run:cli send -i 0 -s segwit --recipient 13LcRWZyZnZu1xrABuAK9Ayftg4kfVs1AA --amount 0.00056 --feePerByte 5
Be aware that the CLI has some limitations compared to Ledger Live. For example, every sync with the CLI will sync the entire account history.
You will find a complete list of commands here (opens in a new tab).
Environment Variables
Ledger Live provides a lot of flexibility through ENV variables. You can export them, define them before calling cli or use a tool like direnv (opens in a new tab).
To list them all, you can execute:
pnpm run:cli envs
The one you will use the most before releasing you integration is:
to use them:
EXPERIMENTAL_CURRENCIES=mycoin pnpm run:cli -c mycoin --amount 0.1 ---recipient mycoinaddr -i 0
or for LLD:
It will consider mycoin
as supported (you can also add it to the supported currencies in cli/src/live-common-setup-base.ts
For clarity, we will omit this environment variable in this document.
If needed, you can add your own in src/env.ts
(always try to add a MYCOIN_ prefix to avoid collisions):
// const envDefinitions = { ...
def: "",
parser: stringParser,
desc: "API for mycoin",
// }
- 00:00 Ledger Live Installation
- 00:38 CLI Build
- 01:20 CLI Usage