Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have coding conventions?We don't have coding conventions per say, but we can recommand you installing Prettier (opens in a new tab) in your code editor and scanning your code with a linter.
Is there a way to make changes and see them reflected on Live Desktop quicker?Follow these steps: 1. pnpm dev:lld just once to start it, 2. pnpm build:lld:deps to rebuild any changed dependencies of Ledger Live Desktop, including Ledger Live Common, 3. Reload Ledger Live Desktop without stopping it with Ctrl+R (or Cmd+R for MacOS).
Where do I store the API key for the node we set up for Ledger?First of all, you should not have an API key in the code. You can use an env variable that will hold the API key and pass the value on the runtime. You can set it with an empty value. Then, when Ledger will get the API key from you, we will set up the reverse proxy with this API key. After that, we will provide you the URL of the reverse proxy. Once the URL of the reverse proxy with you, you will not need it anymore and delete the env variable used for the API key.
I would like to receive data from Ledger Live (regarding the list of transactions displayed on Ledger Live) via API in my web application. Is it possible?Unfortunately, for now it’s not possible. You will have to retrieve the needed information directly on the blockchain.
Do you support for Mobile App only React Native or can we use languages like Java/Kotlin/Swift?Currently, we only support React Native. In the future, we might add language support if there's a high demand but we don't plan for it at the moment.
I'm having some trouble finding a Select or drop-down type of component for Live Mobile. Is there one that exists already or do we have to implement this? If the latter case, would this package be alright to include?Depending on the number of choices you have in the list you want to display, there are different selectors: 1. apps/ledger-live-mobile/src/screens/Settings/General/CountervalueSettingsRow.tsx, 2. apps/ledger-live-mobile/src/screens/Settings/General/ThemeSettingsRow.tsx, 3. apps/ledger-live-mobile/src/screens/Settings/General/LanguageRow.tsx.
Do you work with 15-words mnemonic?Ledger devices only works with 24 words mnemonics, 15 words won't work unfortunately.
Could you provide details about the behavior of roughlyEstimateGasLimit that's used as a fallback to getDryRunGasLimit on Ethereum?As said roughlyEstimateGasLimit is used as a fallback to getDryRunGasLimit. getDryRunGasLimit allows to get the gaslimit of a payload. If getDryRunGasLimit doesn't work (the payload is wrong or other errors), then roughlyEstimateGasLimit is used, it's more global and it doesn't take the payload as argument. So, if there is a problem with the payload, this method is handling the calculation of the gas limit.
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