Here you will find the all the documention related to the device management kit and all the signer coming along with it.
This project is still in early development so we allow ourselves to make breaking changes regarding the usage of the Libraries.
That’s why any feedback is relevant for us in order to be able to make it stable as soon as possible. Get in touch with us on the Ledger Discord server to provide your feedbacks.
You can follow the migration guidelines for the DMK here and for the signers here.
Throughout all the documentation we will use several acronyms that you can find the following description :
- DMK: Device Management Kit
- DSK: Device Signer Kit
Here you can found a summary of all the libraries that are composing the DMK
Library | NPM | Version |
Device Management Kit | @LedgerHQ/device-mangement-kit | 0.6.2 |
Device Signer Ethereum | @LedgerHQ/device-signer-kit-ethereum | 1.3.0 |
Device Signer Bitcoin | @LedgerHQ/device-signer-kit-bitcoin | 1.0.0 |
Device Signer Solana | @LedgerHQ/device-signer-kit-solana | 1.1.0 |
Context Module | @ledgerhq/context-module | 1.3.0 |
WebHidTransport | @ledgerhq/device-transport-kit-web-hid | 1.1.0 |
WebBleTransport | @ledgerhq/device-transport-kit-web-ble | 1.1.0 |