DocumentationDevice interactionBeginner's guidesConnecting to a Device

Connecting to a Device

In this guide, you’ll learn how to discover and connect to hardware devices using the Device Management Kit (DMK). By the end, you’ll be able to scan for nearby devices, establish connections, and monitor their status.

What you’ll learn

  • How to discover available devices
  • How to establish a connection with a specific device
  • How to monitor device status and session state
  • How to properly disconnect from a device


Before starting this tutorial, make sure you have initialized the DMK instance and imported it in your project. If you haven’t done so, please refer to the Initializing the DMK tutorial.

đź’ˇ Hands-on Workshop: If you prefer to learn through practical exercises, check out our Device Management Kit Workshop. This workshop provides a complete React project with step-by-step instructions to implement device discovery, connection, and data exchange features using the DMK.

Step 1: Initialize device discovery

Let’s start the discovery process:

  • Discovery: dmk.startDiscovering()
    • Returns an observable which will emit a new DiscoveredDevice for every scanned device.
    • The DiscoveredDevice objects contain information about the device model.
    • Use one of these values to connect to a given discovered device.
  • Connection:
    isRefresherDisabled: boolean;
    pollingInterval?: number;
  • Returns a Promise resolving in a device session identifier DeviceSessionId.
  • Keep this device session identifier to further interact with the device.
  • Then, dmk.getConnectedDevice({ sessionId }) returns the ConnectedDevice, which contains information about the device model and its name.
// Start discovering devices
const discoverySubscription = dmk.startDiscovering({}).subscribe({
  next: (device) => {
      { isRefresherDisabled: true }
    .then((sessionId) => {
      const connectedDevice = dmk.getConnectedDevice({ sessionId });
  error: (error) => {
    console.error("Discovery error:", error);
// When you're done discovering, don't forget to unsubscribe to free up resources
// discoverySubscription.unsubscribe();

The startDiscovering() method returns an Observable that emits a DiscoveredDevice object each time a new device is found.

Step 2: Connect to a discovered device

Once you’ve discovered a device you want to use, you can connect to it by passing the device object:

async function connectToDevice(device) {
  try {
    // Connect to the device by passing the full device object
    const sessionId = await dmk.connect({ device });
    console.log(`Connected! Session ID: ${sessionId}`);
    // Get information about the connected device
    const connectedDevice = dmk.getConnectedDevice({ sessionId });
    console.log(`Device name: ${}`);
    console.log(`Device model: ${connectedDevice.modelId}`);
    return sessionId;
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Connection failed:", error);

The connection process returns a sessionId which you’ll need for all further interactions with the device.

Step 3: Monitor the device session state

After connecting, you can monitor the device’s state to stay updated on its status, battery level, and other information:

function monitorDeviceState(sessionId) {
  const stateSubscription = dmk.getDeviceSessionState({ sessionId }).subscribe({
    next: (state) => {
      // The state object contains all the current information about the device
      console.log(`Device status: ${state.deviceStatus}`);
      // Device status can be:
      // - LOCKED: device is waiting for the user to enter their PIN
      // - BUSY: device is processing a command
      // - CONNECTED: device is connected and available
      // - NOT_CONNECTED: device is disconnected
      // Battery information might not always be available
      if (state.batteryStatus) {
        console.log(`Battery level: ${state.batteryStatus.level}%`);
      // Information about the current running app
      if (state.currentApp) {
        console.log(`Current app: ${}`);
        console.log(`App version: ${state.currentApp.version}`);
      // Basic device information is always available
      console.log(`Device model: ${state.deviceModelId}`);
    error: (error) => {
      console.error("State monitoring error:", error);
  return stateSubscription;

Step 4: Disconnect from the device

When you’re finished using the device, always disconnect properly:

async function disconnectDevice(sessionId) {
  try {
    await dmk.disconnect({ sessionId });
    console.log("Device disconnected successfully");
  } catch (error) {
    console.error("Disconnection error:", error);

Complete example

Here’s a complete example that combines all the steps:

import { DeviceStatus } from "@ledgerhq/device-management-kit";
// Global variables to store subscriptions and session info
let discoverySubscription;
let stateSubscription;
let currentSessionId;
function startDiscoveryAndConnect() {
  // Clear any previous discovery
  if (discoverySubscription) {
  console.log("Starting device discovery...");
  // Start discovering - this will scan for any connected devices
  discoverySubscription = dmk.startDiscovering({}).subscribe({
    next: async (device) => {
        `Found device: ${}, model: ${device.deviceModel.model}`,
      // Connect to the first device we find
      try {
        // Pass the full device object, not just the ID
        currentSessionId = await dmk.connect({ device });
        console.log(`Connected! Session ID: ${currentSessionId}`);
        // Stop discovering once we connect
        // Get device information
        const connectedDevice = dmk.getConnectedDevice({
          sessionId: currentSessionId,
        console.log(`Device name: ${}`);
        console.log(`Device model: ${connectedDevice.modelId}`);
        // Start monitoring device state
        stateSubscription = monitorDeviceState(currentSessionId);
      } catch (error) {
        console.error("Connection failed:", error);
    error: (error) => {
      console.error("Discovery error:", error);
function monitorDeviceState(sessionId) {
  return dmk.getDeviceSessionState({ sessionId }).subscribe({
    next: (state) => {
      console.log(`Device status: ${state.deviceStatus}`);
      // Check for specific status conditions
      if (state.deviceStatus === DeviceStatus.LOCKED) {
        console.log("Device is locked - please enter your PIN");
      // Show battery level if available
      if (state.batteryStatus) {
        console.log(`Battery level: ${state.batteryStatus.level}%`);
      // Show app information if available
      if (state.currentApp) {
        console.log(`Current app: ${}`);
        console.log(`App version: ${state.currentApp.version}`);
      // Basic device model info
      console.log(`Device model: ${state.deviceModelId}`);
    error: (error) => {
      console.error("State monitoring error:", error);
// Always clean up resources when done
async function cleanup() {
  // Unsubscribe from all observables
  if (discoverySubscription) {
  if (stateSubscription) {
  // Disconnect from device if connected
  if (currentSessionId) {
    try {
      await dmk.disconnect({ sessionId: currentSessionId });
      console.log("Device disconnected successfully");
      currentSessionId = null;
    } catch (error) {
      console.error("Disconnection error:", error);
// Example usage:
// startDiscoveryAndConnect();
// ...later when done...
// cleanup();

Important: Always remember to unsubscribe from observables and disconnect from devices when you’re done. This helps manage resources and prevents potential issues with device connections.

What you’ve learned

Congratulations! You’ve now learned how to:

  • Discover available hardware devices
  • Connect to a specific device using the device object from discovery
  • Retrieve information about a connected device
  • Monitor device state in real-time
  • Properly disconnect from a device when finished

With these skills, you’re ready to start building applications that interact with hardware devices using the DMK.

đź“š Next Steps: To build a complete working example with these concepts, check out our Device Management Kit Workshop, which guides you through creating a React application that integrates with Ledger devices.

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