DocumentationDevice interactionIntegration WalkthroughsMigrationsDevice Signer KitsEthereumv1.1.0 -> 1.2.0

Migration from 1.1.0 to 1.2.0

We made some breaking changes to the Ethereum Signer in 1.2.0 which are detailed below.


The transaction type has been changed to Uint8Array instead of Transaction from ethers v5 or v6.

To sign a transaction, you need to serialize it to a Uint8Array before calling signTransaction.

From a string

You can use the hexaStringToBuffer utility from the DeviceManagementKit to convert a hexa string to a Uint8Array.

const rawTx = hexaStringToBuffer(tx);
if (!rawTx) {
  throw new Error("Invalid transaction format");
signer.signTransaction(derivationPath, rawTx, { domain });

From a Transaction object from ethers v6

You can use the unsignedSerialized property from the Transaction object combined with the hexaStringToBuffer utility from the DeviceManagementKit to convert a hexa string to a Uint8Array.

const rawTx = hexaStringToBuffer(tx.unsignedSerialized);
if (!rawTx) {
  throw new Error("Invalid transaction format");
signer.signTransaction(derivationPath, rawTx, { domain });
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