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ERC-20 token addition request

For ERC-20 tokens, the addition process is almost entirely automatic. You may have to add the icon to the Ethereum application.

1. How do the ERC-20 tokens get listed?

Tokens are added automatically to the supported crypto-assets list a few times a week. If ater a two weeks period you don’t see the token on the crypto-assets list, please contact the customer service team.

2. How can they be handled on Ledger devices?

The support of ERC-20 token on Ledger devices is already handled by the Ethereum aplication.

3. How to add a token icon?

When a Token is added in Ledger Live without an icon, it will display the first letter of the token’s name. To add an icon, you must open a Pull Request in the Ledger Live repository. You can check this PR for an example, to update the package.

You can either create the icon or find it on or

Some rules about the icon:

  • Don’t use Linear gradients, defs, masks, clip-path, filters and inline styles
  • Only use svg, path, circle, ellipse, rect, polyline, line tags if needed and add fill=“black”

Feel free to look at the other icons to see what is expected.


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